Credit cards can be hugely frustrating for many people. The only way you can make proper credit decisions is by following good advice. The piece that follows includes great ideas for making credit card usage a happier experience.
Keeping several lines of credit open is helpful to your credit profile. Having two or three cards will help you to improve your credit rating. If you have too many cards open at a time, it may be difficult for you to find a loan, as too many cards on your credit report can be a red flag to lenders.
When it comes to premium bank cards, find out if an annual fee is involved to make sure that you do not pay too much for the card. Depending on how exclusive the card is, a platinum or black card may carry a fee of $100 to $1000. If you do not need a card that is exclusive, don’t get one. This way you will avoid the fees.
Interest Rate
Make sure you know the current interest rate of the credit card you are applying for. Before you decide whether or not a credit card is right for you, you have to understand the interest rates that will be involved. If you take a card with a high interest rate, you could pay two or three times the cost of your original purchase over time. When your interest rate is higher than you expected, paying off the card each month becomes more difficult.
Pay all of your credit cards when they are due. Ignoring the due date on your credit card bill can result in large penalty fees. In addition, most credit card companies will raise your interest rate, meaning all of your future purchases will cost you more.
Do not lend other people your credit card for any reason. Even though a good friend might have a need, it is never a good decision to lend it to anyone. They may make too many charges or go over whatever limit you set for them.
Credit Score
Keep track of your credit score. The limit to what credit card companies consider good credit is a credit score of 700. Boost or maintain your credit score by using credit appropriately. Once your score exceeds 700, you will end up with great credit offers.
Don’t believe that interest rates they offer you are concrete and are staying that way. Credit card companies compete with each other for your business, and they all use a range of different rates to attract cusotmers. You can contact the band and request a lower interest rate, if you think it is too high.
If you don’t like the interest rate you are being charged, feel free to ask your credit card company to change it. If they are unwilling to lower the rate, and you have been paying on time, look at other cards with a better rate. Once you locate one, switch to a card company with better customer service.
Avoid paying for restaurant checks and grocery bills with credit, as they can take a while to appear on your statement, which will make you underestimate what your true balance is. This can cause you to spend more than you would like to because your credit card balance will appear lower than the amount you are actually responsible for.
As you can see by now, credit card companies cause people a lot of grief. The benefit of doing the right research and study of the different card offerings can make the difference in the ease of your decision. Use the suggestions in this article and you will enjoy living with bank cards a lot more.
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