Some people fear getting bank cards because of the problems associated with them. There is no reason to fear owning a credit card. In fact, charge cards are useful when you want to buy something but don’t have cash on you. This article will give you plenty of excellent advice about charge cards.
Read the fine print. Make sure you know exactly what is being offered in that pre-approved credit card before you take advantage of it. Be aware of what the interest rate on your card is and how long it will last. Also, find out about any fees and grace periods.
Annual Fee
To help be sure you don’t overpay for a premium card, compare its annual fee to rival cards. The exclusive charge cards, like the platinum or black cards, are known to charge it’s customers an annual fee from $100 to $1,000 a year. If you don’t need an exclusive card, keep this in mind and avoid the fees.
Check your balance carefully when your statement arrives. Also be aware of what your credit card spending limit is and adhere to it. If you do happen to go over your credit limit, the creditor will impose fees. It is going to take a longer time to pay off the balance when you’re always going over the limit.
Make certain you completely understand the terms and conditions of a credit card before you sign up for it. The fees and interest of the card may be different than you originally thought. Carefully read over the fine print so that you can ensure you completely understand the policy.
Never leave a space blank on your credit card receipt when you make a purchase. If there is a blank for a tip, cross it out so that a tip cannot be written in after you’ve signed. Keep a copy of the receipt so that you can verify that the amount on your statement matches it.
Public Computer
Never use a public computer to make online purchases with your credit card. Your information may be stored, making you susceptible to having your information stolen. It is a big mistake to put your personal credit card information on a public computer or network. Make sure that all purchases are made on your computer, always.
Hopefully, the advice about charge cards will help you alleviate your unnecessary fear of using charge cards for purchases. When used properly, charge cards are a great convenience and a useful tool for improving your financial life. Keep the advice you have learned here in mind, and use your credit card with confidence.
Iris Carter speaker is straight-from-the-heart, high-energy, passionate message motivates audiences to never give up on your dream as an entrepreneur.
She has written numerous articles about how to build business credit, what to look for when applying for business credit without using your personal credit and many others.
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